When people are happy in their jobs, they make every effort to improve the organization; share their experience, resolve conflicts, suggest improvements, boost morale, help their companions, save resources, and much more.
This in turn improves the working environment, the satisfaction inside and outside the organization, and the corporate image, and therefore, boosts sales and business productivity.
These steps will help you hire loyal employees:
1. Take your time to hire the right person
A vacancy interferes with the daily tasks within the company, and therefore, it is important to fill it quickly. However, it is preferable to take a little more time to find the right person, someone able to adapt to the team, that has the proper skills for the job.
Moreover, while it is important that our candidates meet certain knowledge and skills to perform the job, in the end, you must focus on the person rather than the professional. In other words, knowledge and skills can be taught and developed but will be very difficult for you to change your personality.
Find people passionate about something outside work. Listen carefully to how they talk about them. In the future, this person might talk the same way about your organization. So the premise is simple, only people who develop a passion in their private lives can do it in their professional lives.
2. Invest in your employees
A good working relationship should be beneficial for both parties. High talents are looking for collaborative atmospheres where training, skill transfer, and knowledge sharing are encouraged.
However, many companies are concerned about spending too much on employees who may leave. Interestingly, employees find it harder to quit an organization that is constantly investing in them, as they feel they got more to lose.
Not all employees are looking for money, sometimes all they want is to listen, get feedback, a clear vision of their role in the organization, and career development opportunities. In other words, they just want to feel the support of their leaders. They want to know you care about them.
Ask more, Delegate, and Lead by example
Employees know the difference between receiving an order and being motivated to accomplish a goal.
Moreover, when a company or team faces adverse situations when the employees get a clear perspective if they can trust their leaders.
The best way to deal with adversity is to ask your employees about the situation, this allows you to capture the exact information you need to perform your job without making unfortunate mistakes.
Likewise, it allows you to comprehend who and what could you delegate so that this person understands their contribution to the situation and gets the satisfaction to meet the target.
The more often you assign responsibilities to the right people, the more competent they become. Moreover, if you can guide your team on how to approach a situation based on your experience, and then give them the responsibility to carry out the task, you are telling them "I trust you."
Great leaders won't hesitate to either be accountable for their team's failure or to give credit to those that deserve it. This allows your employees to realize that instead of working for a boss, they are working toward common goals as a team.
3. Be a strong and trustworthy communicator
According to Lane4, 78% of staff feel their company does not communicate with them effectively, leaving them wanting to know more about the organization they work for.
Uncertainty creates mistrust. Avoid it by sharing as much as you can about the current health and future goals of the company with your team. Share both good and bad news.
Nothing inspires loyalty more than being honest. Open communication does two things: It creates confidence and trust and also helps produce feelings of inclusion.