In late September Marina Shifrin posted a video on Youtube, which quickly went viral (last time I checked this video had over 16 million views). In this video Mariana dances to send a message, to tell her boss that she quits, and is long gone. Just as she did, there are many workers today who are ready to tell their Boss "I quit." These are the main reasons why employees leave their work:
1. Mismatch between the job and the employee
35% of people quit their job within the first six months because they feel they were deliberately misled during the recruiting process because in which the employer did not give them a clear preview of the job, working conditions, and career development opportunities. Companies sometimes prefer reducing the cost, and time incurred to fill a vacancy over finding the right person for the job. These companies have the false perception that training can transform the wrong person into the perfect fit. Good employers understand that in order to build a great pool of talent, every single hire is important, even if that means taking a longer period of time to fill the position.
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2. Workers feel devalued and unrecognized
Fair compensation is something employees are starting to expect from their job. Therefore, employees' attention is addressed more towards being recognized and respected for their individual contributions to the company's objectives. Research shows that 60 percent of employees say they feel ignored or taken for granted by their employers. This perception is mainly caused by the lack of coaching and feedback. The lack of proper training implies that the worker shall be subjected to a longer and more difficult period of adaptation to their job. Moreover, without coaching employees might never understand the big picture and how their work contributes to the strategy and business plan of the company. Without feedback from managers, employees feel that the result of their hard work is not valued. According to the American Psychological Association if employees feel valued by the company their company, only one in five would plan to look for a job during the next year. A good employer, makes people feel important in the organization from day one, giving them responsibility and meaningful work.
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3. There is a shortage of talent
Throughout the world, in all industries, there is a shortage of talent. Therefore, companies use higher salary offers to attract talent from other organizations. According to a survey conducted by compensation is the main reason why people leave their job. However, the same research found that employees will stay if they love what they are doing. Wherefore good employers, not only focus on providing competitive and fair wages but also on engaging employees with their job.
4. Bad management
Some people don't leave the job itself -- they leave the boss. In many companies, antiquity and experience are the main factors that drive the career growth of an employee within the company. Therefore, employees can find themselves working for a boss who lacks leadership skills and has not received adequate training on how to interact and communicate with her/his employees. Big companies understand that leadership rests not only on managers, and encourages it throughout the organization while promoting the evolution of those leaders able to attract and nurture talent for the organization.
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5. Lack of career growth
Today, people are looking for stability, so instead of trying to work for the "next big thing," they are turning their attention toward established firms in which they can develop their careers. Growth opportunities within the company are crucial, as nobody intents to do the same job their entire career. According to Leigh Branham, founder, and principal of Keeping the People, some obstacles, to the career development of employees, that might lead to their resignation, including managers who are reluctant to discuss career issues with their employees, rigid time-in-grade policies that restrict employees from advancing when ready, and managers who hoard and stifle talent by blocking movement to other departments.
6. Work-Life balance relationships
Work-life balance is a major factor in people's perception of a successful career. According to Brian Kropp, a managing director at CEB, the issue is not the total hours worked, but the possibility of more flexible working arrangements. By asking for flexibility, employees do not request less work but are able to choose when this work is getting done. Good employers know that a lack of work-life balance, generates stress and dissatisfaction, and it is reflected not only in the individual performance of an employee but in the global result of the organization.
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7. Relationship with co-workers
The relationships with colleagues, and the company's culture affect how a person feels at work. According to Gallup, one of the main factors that make a person happy with his job is having a best friend at work. Companies must understand that not all people have the same facility to meet and integrate with others and promote that people through the organization to meet each other. Likewise, they should work on developing a relationship of trust between employees and senior leaders, since in countries like the USA only 39% of employees trust their managers. It is also essential to note that a person can be very good at a job, but his personality may not fit into the company, and this should be considered in the recruitment process.
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