The Most Common Hiring Mistakes

Who you decide to hire impacts every part of your organization. Learn the most common mistakes during the recruitment process to stop hiring the wrong people.

The Most Common Hiring Mistakes. SOLVED.

When we hire the wrong people, we cannot only destroy the harmony of the teams but also impact the capacity for innovation, adaptation, and growth of the company. If the values ​​of the company make up its DNA, the bad hires are like viruses that seek to modify the company´s DNA, and unfortunately, sometimes they succeed. Moreover, studies show that a bad hire can cost up to 3 times an employee's annual salary. However, the right people, that are a perfect fit for the company's identity, its people, and vision, not only manage to stand out as individuals but also boost synergies within their teams.

The most common hiring mistakes:

Do not know what they are looking for

Too often companies start trying to find candidates to fill up a position without knowing what it is they are looking for in terms of what it takes to do the job and do it well. Take your time to write a precise job description, which allows you to identify the required skills and experience, qualifications, and responsibilities. Define your ideal candidate profile and that profile which is good enough to succeed on the job. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of time seeking perfection, and as you lengthen the recruitment process, you risk losing human talent whom you have successfully attracted with the vacancy, while you burn out the team or person who is assuming the workload of this opening.

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Rushing the hiring process

A vacancy interferes with the daily tasks within the company, and therefore, it is important to fill it quickly. However, it is preferable to take a little more time to find the right person. Someone able to adapt to the team, and has the proper skills for the job. Otherwise, the position might open up, some days, or weeks after, as you will need to rid of the person, and you will need to re-start the search for candidates for the opening. Therefore, if you do not do it well from the beginning you end up wasting more time and money for the company. 

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Relying on a gut feeling

Today, the candidates have honed their ability to generate a good impression during a job interview. They have worked on their body language and the way they express themselves in order to increase their likeability and quickly find points in common with the interviewer. Research has shown that we evaluate people more positively when we feel they're more like us. We should avoid hiring someone simply because we like him or her, without validating their ability to perform the job.

Before you invite a candidate for an interview call him or her, to validate information on their CV (experience and qualifications) and determine if he or she meets the job profile. This will allow you to discard some candidates, and outline your favorites. Then prepare a series of questions to ask all candidates during the interview, this will allow you to compare the answers within them. Furthermore, to avoid those enchanting rehearsed answers use "scenario-based" questions that allow you to determine the ability of the candidate to work on real-world situations.

Not selling or overselling the job

The labor market for top talent is never slow. No matter how big is your company assuming that everyone wants to work with you is wrong. Good people are pursued by companies as large or larger than yours. So during the interview process, you must achieve to sell the job to the candidate, otherwise, he might end up working for another company, or worse with your competition. 

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Personally, I think the best way is through a method that I would call: you, me, and us or me, you, and us. First, the interviewer allows the candidate presents himself or herself. This quick presentation is followed by a series of questions regarding the experience and skills of the candidate. Then the interviewer introduced the job, talks about the company, and its needs, and sells the job. Finally, both have the opportunity to solve doubts and confirm if this relationship could work.

Note that you are building a working relationship, and like any relationship, us is really important. Therefore, if you are overselling the job and do by doing that do not get to know the candidate because you are busy talking, or if the candidate is only talking about himself or herself without any interest in what you can say about the company, and its needs is a bad sign.

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