How To Sleep Your Way To The TOP

To succeed get more sleep. The psychological and physiological effects of fatigue cause poor performance at work. A good night's sleep can help you excel at work and improve your work quality.

How To Sleep Your Way To The TOP

Fatigue affects our situational awareness, mood, intellectual activity, decision-making, memory, and health. Moreover, since it inhibits our ability to concentrate is a great generator of stress at work. When you are tired, you may feel that you are not able to maintain the right pace to comply with your duties or adapt to constant changes. Likewise, there is a high probability that you fall into a vicious circle, where the stress generated by fatigue, leads to insomnia and lack of appetite and thus reduces your energy sources.

Stress is a major cause of absenteeism in companies. According to a study by The Work Force Institute the most common reason, in every country, for calling in sick without a physical ailment was that the employee was overly stressed. Likewise, The American Institute of Stress estimates that 1 million workers are absent every day due to stress and that stress in the workplace costs U.S. corporations over $300 billion annually or more than ten times the cost of all strikes combined.

Related: Coping with Stress at Work

Furthermore, as indicated by Julia Kirby for Harvard Business Review, and as shown in the graph, the negative effect of fatigue on the performance of employees is greater than that generated by alcohol. To illustrate this, depending on your weight, you could drink 2 beers in less than an hour, which is about 0.04 - 0.05 of blood-alcohol concentration, and on average, you might outperform someone who has been awake for nearly 19-20 hours.

I would like to emphasize that in the world today, where people always look forward to staying busy to show the world how productive, they are. What we need are people willing perhaps to stop for a moment to understand the big picture, and the problems they are facing. We need people who have the energy and can be alert. Leaders that instead of only reacting to changes, anticipate problems and make decisions on time, not when there is no other option. We need more people willing to sleep.

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You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, and these are some tips to improve your sleep:

  • Set a schedule for bedtime and respect it until you create a habit. If every day you go to bed at different times, it becomes increasingly difficult to sleep when you need it. 
  • Don't eat too much at night. After eating wait at least 2 hours, while you digest, before going to bed. This will help you avoid nightmares. Reduce consumption of beverages containing caffeine. 
  • Get a quick warm shower at night, before going to bed. The hot water will help relax your body and eliminate stress accumulated during the day. 
  • Avoid watching TV before bed, the bright colors displayed on the screen stimulate your brain, which makes it harder to fall asleep and decreases the sleep quality. Instead try reading, practicing a hobby, or meditating. 
  • Use your bedroom exclusively to rest. Try not to bring work to bed, and if possible only use it to sleep at night. Even if you want to take a"siesta" do it somewhere else. Adequate your bedroom to prevent sleep disruption by noise or light. Use low lights at your room and get a good bed. 
  • Do some exercise. Exercise, especially Cardio, helps you to increase your energy and endurance. In addition, oxygenates your brain and generates endorphins good for memory and spirit. If jogging or going to the gym is not your cup of tea try Tai Chi or yoga, despite being focused on relaxation are equally effective in generating endorphins.

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