How to Recruit Passionate Employees

Recruit employees passionate about life. Employee work passion is a reflection of great leadership within an organization.

How-to Recruit Passionate Employees

Engaged employees generate both a better corporate image and greater profitability for the business.

Passionate employees are engaged employees. Engaged employees not only outperform others but also are interested in the success of the organization. Additionally, they understand how they impact the organization's goals, which allows them to work smarter, contribute to the company's key objectives, and develop new skills and competencies according to what is needed by the organization. In fact, 4% of Engaged Employees believed that they could impact positively the quality of the service or goods provided by their employer and their company. 

Furthermore, studies such as that conducted by Towers Perrin-ISR proved that there is a link between employee engagement and financial performance. They tracked, during a year, the employee engagement impact on operating income, net income, and earnings per share (EPS) in companies across the globe. They found out the organizations with high levels of employee engagement outperformed those with below-average levels of employee engagement on all three financial measures.

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No wonder then why companies wish that all their employees and prospective candidates are passionate about their work. However, companies mistakenly believe that they can recruit people who just love their work. Employees' love for their work is the result of good leadership within the company. In other words, commitment to the organization must be encouraged, not required by the organization. For example, there are people that like what they do but hate their job. Mainly, because they do not like their boss. In fact, many employees quit their management, not their company.

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How to recruit employees passionate about their work?

Forget about their skills and experience, and focus on how they talk about their passions. While it is important that our candidates meet certain knowledge and skills to perform the job, there is a key moment in the job interview when you stop focusing on the professional, to concentrate on the person you have in front of you. And that's when you are able to identify who has the potential to be a passionate employee in your organization. The premise is simple, only people who develop a passion in their private lives can do it in their professional lives.

So ask your candidates about what they do in their free time, and what they like, and listen to how they express themselves. In the future, If you play your cards right and engage that person, he or she might talk the same way about both your organization and their job.

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